
homeLab Project Documentation

homeLab Project Documentation This is my documentation for the “homeLab” project. Here you will be able to configure your Raspberry Pi to be a server of very useful services in the day to day like ...

Quantum computers

Index Theoretical Bases Advantages / Disadvantages Encryption Real Examples Future Forecast Theoretical Basis Currently computers works with bits. These are 1’s and 0’...


tcpdump Packet analyzer that is launched from the command line. It can be used to analyze network traffic by intercepting and displaying packets that are being created or received by the computer i...


Spiderfoot Open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. It integrates with just about every data source available and utilises a range of methods for data analysis, making that data easy to na...


tmux Allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. More information Link Start tmux $ tmux new -s NAME Kill Session $ tmux kill-session -t NAME...


smbclient Tool used to connect to Samba servers - Samba is a Windows-based filesharing protocol. Basic Syntax Connect to Server $ smbclient //@Target_IP Connect to specific share $ ...

responder.py Daemon

setDaemon Deprecated In the python 3.10 version there is an error and it does not work correctly. setDaemon has been deprecated in favor of setting daemon attribute directly. To solve it, it is nec...


netcat Netcat is a tool that reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. More information Link Server Mode Use netcat to listen for connections. What this does is ...

iptables vs nftables

iptables vs nftables iptables IPtables is a command line utility that is used for configuring firewall rules, usually in combination with a frontend. IPtables is able to inspect, modify or drop net...

WireGuard vs OpenVPN

WireGuard vs OpenVPN Speed Test In the official WireGuard page, there is a Benchmark between WireGuard, IPsec and OpenVPN. In terms of throughput, WireGuard wins with a difference of 753 mbps over ...